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Diane Bender :

Gleniffer Lake… my paradise

But more than a view, much more than a place
A foreign smile started to cross over my face.

Here I could feel deep inside of my being

Was someplace for me, from what I am seeing.

A place that I wish to explore and to belong
To reach out and feel the beginning of a song.

I’m home and I’m free, I’m away from the fights
I drove around and looked over the newly formed sites.

The lot that I choose others before me did too
Somehow this lot was waiting for me and for you.

So we settled into the newly formed phase five
Each year it improves as well as our lives.

Going on 5 years we have enjoyed and we have played
A place of peace, yes I think that we will stay.

A beautiful pond that took 2 years to bring to life on our place
Has brought joy to all that stop by to see, the smiles on their face.

So you see, the reason why I picked up the card and went for a drive
 Is clear to see when you go visit all of us in Phase Five.

 Paradise is to me like a soft cool breeze
Gleniffer Lake Resort you brought all of us to our knees.

Joan Moore Phase 5 lot 46