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Diane Bender :

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!

Scarecrows infamous tune in Wizard of Oz is updated to Blackberry and Internet and Text Messaging! Oh My! As technology only moves faster, I found myself wanting to slow down. Life is going by fast, and although I cannot stop it, I want to slow it down. Not just for me, but for my family. Gleniffer Lake offers more to do, at the most affordable price, closest to our home. It was win-win-win for our family. With only two hours from driveway to driveway, we can easily and quickly get away.

Green grass, blue skies, friendly people, and children’s laughter are only some of the day-to-day pleasures during the summer out here. Well groomed green spaces on and off the golf course, contrast clear skies; a refreshing change to concrete roads and high-rise buildings. Friendly people stroll, as children play safe; a welcome trade from crowded buses and rush hour traffic.

There is a community respect, courtesy, politeness and pride, as we are all here for similar reasons. It is our place!

For those that need your technology. Several text messages you may receive while at the Gleniffer Lake:

-Phase 5 is the coolest! Lol
-Have a great time at the pool
-BTW, great round of golf
-Sitting around the fire BYOB

Brad Mandziak & Family (Phase 5)